Viale Europa, 28 - 36020 Pove del Grappa (VICENZA) (ITALY)
Giaretta Italia constantly searches and selects highest quality in all its application fields:
Pavings and floorings in clinker spaced with antiacid mortars, epossidic mortars polyester mortars
Complete drainage systems in stainless steel aisi 340-316 L
Guard rails
Wide range of special pieces
For all industrial and agroindustrial environments:
• dairy industry: milk, cheese, butter, ice-creams, salt, milking
• oenological, beer, water, distillates, drinks, fruit juices
• bottling • oil • canning• slaughtering and sausages
• breadmaking, confectionery • fruit & vegetable • fish • frozen food
Giaretta Italia's industrial team provides and offers: technical advice, first quality materials, planning, twenty-year's experience, laying, professionalism, yard assistance, competence, project and design, excellent quality-price ratio.
Pavings and floorings in clinker spaced with antiacid mortars, epossidic mortars polyester mortars
Complete drainage systems in stainless steel aisi 340-316 L
Guard rails
Wide range of special pieces
For all industrial and agroindustrial environments:
• dairy industry: milk, cheese, butter, ice-creams, salt, milking
• oenological, beer, water, distillates, drinks, fruit juices
• bottling • oil • canning• slaughtering and sausages
• breadmaking, confectionery • fruit & vegetable • fish • frozen food
Giaretta Italia's industrial team provides and offers: technical advice, first quality materials, planning, twenty-year's experience, laying, professionalism, yard assistance, competence, project and design, excellent quality-price ratio.
Pavings, floorings, drainage systems
For all industrial and agroindustrial environments